Natural Areas News
January 2019

In this issue:

NAA Community News 

Remembering Beverly Danielson: Extraordinary Volunteer Botanist

Call for Proposals Deadline April 15
Resilience, the Future, and Prairie Fire: 2018 Conference Highlights

NAA Behind the Scenes

2018 Board Retreat and Strategic Planning


NAA Webinar Series Begins! Register for our February 20 All-new Pollinator Management Webinar

Big Changes: Introducing the Pollinator Synthesis Paper and More

Thank You to Our 2018 Donors

Grand River Terraces, northeast Ohio. Courtesy CMNH Natural Areas.

NAA Community News

Remembering Beverly Danielson: Extraordinary Volunteer Botanist

Beverly Danielson passed away Thursday, July 19, 2018. She spent 18 years as a volunteer botanist at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History (CMNH), where she was also Adjunct Curator of Botany. 


Learn about Beverly's outsize impact on her colleagues, her contributions to botany in northeastern Ohio, and her distinguished career as a volunteer.

Learn more


We're featuring more stories in the NAN from members of the NAA community! Want to see your organization's story featured in NAA Community News? Get in touch.

Bear Run Nature Reserve. Courtesy Western Pennsylvania Conservancy and Greg Funka.

Conference News

Call for Proposals Deadline is April 15

We have big plans for the 2019 Natural Areas Conference. Submit your proposal online now to be a presenter at the 2019 Natural Areas Conference, October 8-10, in Pittsburgh, PA.


This year's theme is At the Water's Edge: Managing Our Land and Water in a Changing Landscape.

A fun moment during the Awards Dinner, October 24. See lots more pics by viewing our Conference slideshow.

Resilience, the Future, and Prairie Fire: 2018 Conference Highlights

Even as the 45th Natural Areas Conference revisited conference traditions like Prairie Fire, it was focused on the future of natural areas and the people who steward them.


Access a wide range of resources, photos and video from our 45th conference October 23-25, 2018, in Bloomington, Indiana!

Staff and Board members gather for lunch as part of the 2018 Board Retreat in the Hills of Gold, central Indiana.

NAA Behind the Scenes

2018 Board Retreat and Strategic Planning in the Hills of Gold

With the help of the Central Indiana Land Trust (CILTI) and The Nature Conservancy – Indiana, about 20 NAA Board and staff members hiked into some of the most beautiful areas of the Hills of Gold to take inspiration from natural areas while charting the organization’s next five years.

Bombus Appositus on a thistle. Photo courtesy Rich Hatfield, Xerces Society.


2019 NAA Webinar Series Begins! Register for our February 20 Pollinator Management Webinar

Our first webinar in the new year is a joint effort. Based on their popular talks at the 2018 Natural Areas Conference in October, Vicki Wojcik of the Pollinator Partnership and Rich Hatfield of the Xerces Society will present The Role of Honey Bees in Natural Areas - A Conversation. 


Vicki will speak on "Flora Resource Competition Between Honey Bees and Wild Bees: Is There Clear Evidence and Can We Guide Management and Conservation?" and Rich will speak on "Honey Bees in the Pollination Networks of Natural Areas? -- An Overview and Best Management Practices."

The Synthesis Paper is just one of our new resources for NA practitioners.

Natural Resources: Introducing the Pollinator Synthesis Paper and More

We've had a number of new resources debut, including our promised Pollinator Synthesis Paper: New Research and BMPs in Natural Areas: A Synthesis of the Pollinator Management Symposium from the 44th Natural Areas Conference, October 2017. This paper brings together the presentations from the popular pollinator management symposium of the 2017 Natural Areas Conference. 


We're improving our Resources section and you can now access resources by topic, including a whole page on Pollinator Resources. Be sure to take a look. More resources will be debuting soon!

Thanks to All of Our 2018 Donors

We want to thank everyone who chose to donate to the Natural Areas Association over the last year.


We couldn't do it without you.


We need your investment, because the cost of providing this community with all of the tools, information and events we do far outstrips what we take in from membership or registration costs. Your donations ensure that membership and programming is still accessible, and allows us to provide support to the wider natural areas professional community. 

Give to the Natural Areas Association

Membership dues only support a portion of what we offer - the rest comes from you, our supporters. When you give to NAA, you invest in the whole community of natural areas professionals.

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